‘Sim-Swim’ is as simple as it is efficient; it consists of simulating crawl, backstroke, or double arm backstroke swimming… in front of the TV!
In order for the simulation to be effective, it must be followed as precisely as possible, from putting your hand into ‘the water’, with the consequent twisting of the wrist, to the extension of the stroke, to the return of the arm ‘above the water’ with the elbow well-raised.
All of this is accompanied by the movement of the legs which, while not essential for the push, still needs to be done to maintain the correct posture once in the water.
Just as important is the respiratory sequence/frequency, which is decided and maintained according to the training mode.
This series of movements and the ‘Sim-Swim’ method will be supported by a video that will help new users initially with this innovative ‘virtual pool’, but in a short time it will give enough autonomy in the continuation of the training that the technical charts with the time assignments and the respiratory frequencies chosen based on the performances/objectives that we want to follow will be sufficient.
So, to summarize:
Correct movements, frequency (of breaths and strokes) and a bit of healthy effort to obtain the results that you will find difficult to believe!
The categories are divided thus:
• Beginner
• Elementary
• Pre-Intermediate
• Intermediate
• Upper-Intermediate
• Advanced
The training sessions of categories Beginner to Intermediate are developed over a period of about 7 months, with 2 sessions per week for the first three (B+E+P-I), 3 for the fourth and fifth (L+U-I), and 3/4 for the last two, based on your objective (the time extensions also change based on the final distances to be reached).